Thank you for your interest in Raffles Medical Vietnam. Please complete the form below and we will get back to you shortly.
In case of emergency, please CALL us at:
– Raffles Medical Ho Chi Minh (028)38240777
– Raffles Medical Hanoi (024)39340666 – (024)36762222
– Raffles Medical Vung Tau (0254)3858776
Raffles Medical Ho Chi Minh
167A Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Str., HCMC
Raffles Medical Hanoi
51 Xuan Dieu Str., Ha Noi
(024)39340666 – (024) 3676 2222
Raffles Medical Vung Tau
01 Le Ngoc Han Str., Vung Tau
Contact person for corporate clients:
At Hanoi Clinic: Ms. GIANG Nguyen Huong | E: | M: 0779991987
At HCMC Clinic: Ms. TAM Dang | E: | M: 0903719410
Corporate clients who need to speak to JP staff, please call/send email to Ms. Hatsumi Kanatsu
| E: | M: 0902152166